Making your brand memorable

It is common to use both terms interchangeably when referring to brands and logos. Logos are symbols of businesses, but they are not the entire identity of a brand. In fact, creating a logo is only the first step to building a brand. A strong brand has become vital for businesses to differentiate themselves from their competitors in a market where billions of companies are trying to make a name for themselves.

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The purpose of this blog post is to share the most important aspects behind the creation of a unique brand identity.



To position your product or service as the best solution to your target audience, conducting market research is the first step in creating a brand identity. In addition, it is crucial to show how your brand differs from others. To develop a successful brand, you must know how you stand out from your competitors. Customers will also be more likely to remember your brand if it has a strong personality. Would you describe your brand as fun and playful? Does your product or service cost a lot? You can best represent your brand by using type, colours, and imagery.


Even though a logo doesn’t comprise a brand’s entire identity, it’s the most recognizable part. All aspects of your brand will carry your logo, from the website to the packaging, and from social media to business cards. In terms of logo design, there are many routes you can go depending on how you want to present your brand. If you want to emphasize what your company does, you might consider a more conceptual icon. A brand like Nike, for instance, embodies movement and speed through its iconic swoosh logo. As one of the most well-known logos of all time, it is highly visual.



A brand’s logo, fonts, and colors are the first things your audience will notice about your brand, so photography is a great way to visually convey that personality. In order for your photography style to be successful, you must understand your target audience and personality. Creating a consistent visual style right from the start will be key to making bespoke photography a success for your core consumers.


You can make your brand memorable, authentic, and build customer loyalty by taking a stand on social issues. Millennials and Gen Z have the highest expectations among all age groups regarding brands and their values, according to a Kantar study. Tommy Hilfiger, for instance, is known for its socially-driven campaigns around topics like diversity and sustainability. This year’s campaign, ‘Moving Forward Together,’ targets both the fashion and creative industries to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic. Consumers were invited to participate in digital co-creation of new clothing using left-over fabrics as part of AW20 activation (helping unemployed or affected by pandemic participants).


When you’re trying to develop a brand that’s not only memorable, but has a strong personality and clear mission, these are some of the points you can focus on. Brand identity elements like logos, colors, typography, and photography help to engage consumers visually, but your values and beliefs need to support your brand identity to build loyalty.


At Firebrand, we offer a full design and branding service, creating beautiful design that convert. This service is delivered by our in-house team which combines various elements such as the ideation of logos, branding, graphic design and message/ethos development. This combination of skills ensures that you deliver the best results as each element of our design and branding process is undertaken by a specialist in their field. 

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